2020: Denyce Graves, an internationally renowned mezzo-soprano and Ellington alum, is staying busy despite the pandemic’s impact on live performances.
In addition to serving as the Rosa Ponselle Distinguished Faculty Artist at Johns Hopkins University, Denyce has developed a new project titled “Cooking with Denyce.” She is joined by an opera singer or classical music professional each week and they cook a new dish while conversing about singing, the music industry, and other topics.
The broadcast occurs every Sunday at 2 p.m. via Facebook Live and YouTube.
She also had the honor of singing recently at the Capitol Hill ceremony for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a passionate opera fan who listed Denyce among her favorite singers. She performed the spiritual “Deep River” and Gene Scheer’s “American Anthem.” In 2010, Denyce performed at the funeral of Justice Ginsburg’s husband, Marty Ginsburg