Leaving a Legacy for the Future
There are many ways to support the Ellington Fund, the charitable arm of Duke Ellington School of the Arts. You can make an online gift, mail us a check, pledge a LEGACY CIRCLE planned giving gift, donate through the United Way or America's charities, transfer appreciated stocks, donate through a Donor Advisory Fund or via a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA or 401(k), have your employer match your gift, or gift us an in-kind donation. Find all the information that your need right here! f you have any questions at all, please contact the Development Office at development@ellingtonarts.org.
To make an online gift, please click the button below to pay via credit card, Venmo, or Paypal. You can decline to pay an credit card fees. You may designate your online gift to a specific program by using the drop-down. ​
​Send your check, made payable to the “The Ellington Fund,” to the address below. If you’re designating your gift to a specific program, please include that in the memo line.​
The Ellington Fund
Attention: Finance
3500 R St NW, Washington, DC 20007
We accept in-kind donations including: instruments, dance shoes, school and office supplies among other needed items. We also welcome in-kind donations such as catering for events, painting or other renovations for the building, furniture, design and printing, business services and similar items. Please note that the responsibility of the valuation of any in-kind donation is the responsibility of the donor, per IRS regulations. If you would like to make an in-kind donation, email isaac.daniel@k12.dc.gov. If you need a receipt for in-kind donation,
contact development@ellingtonarts.org.
Join our LEGACY CIRCLE by making a bequest to, or designating, the Ellington Fund as a beneficiary of life insurance, retirement plan assets or or investment accounts. Your gift will ensure your legacy as a supporter of an arts education for disadvantaged youth. You will be listed on our website as a LEGACY CIRCLE pledgee. As a bonus, your estate will accrue tax benefits. Please see the suggested language below to add to your estate plan.
If you have already named The Ellington Fund in your estate plan, please let us know! Notifying us of your plans will enable us to recognize and celebrate your commitment through our LEGACY CIRCLE program. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, we will keep your name and gift in strict confidence.
To record your existing LEGACY CIRCLE commitment or to make a new commitment, click here.
I give to the Ellington Fund, (Tax ID 52-1398151), located at 3500 R St NW, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 282-0123, [the sum of _____ dollars] or [an amount equal to _____ percent (_____ %) of the residue of my estate].
Martha Burns (2022 & 2023)
Peggy Cooper Cafritz (2018)
Susan Ruth Campbell
(2022 & 2023)
Mrs. Betty Casey (2023)
George Manos (2022)
Please take the LEGACY PLEDGE and become part of our LEGACY CIRCLE
Donor Advised Funds or DAFs are a tax-efficient way to manage charitable donations. DAFs allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time.  Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon can easily make a designation through the DAF Direct widget below.​
Support the Ellington Fund through the United Way/Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)! One of the easiest ways to support the students at Duke Ellington School of the Arts is by donating through United Way. When you complete your United Way or Combined Federal Campaign Form, please designate the Ellington Fund (Duke Ellington School of the Arts) (Combined Federal Campaign #38270) as a gift recipient.
Looking for a good cause and a way to minimize taxes? Donations of appreciated stock are beneficial to the donor as the receiving organization receives the full proceeds of the stock sale (based on fair market value) and the donor removes the unrealized capital gain liability from their portfolio. The fair market value of your gift of securities is determined by the average of the high/low stock price on the date that the gift is made, multiplied by the number of shares gifted.
Instructions for making a gift of securities are below. Speak to your broker or financial advisor to identify the stock and number of shares you wish to transfer. We will acknowledge your gift in writing once received.
DTC Number: 2669
Bank Name: The Northern Trust Company
Account Name: Ellington Casey Endowment
Account Number: 44-91679
Our contact at Northern Trust is:
Kathryn Singer at 305-789-1154
​Qualified Charitable Distributions or QCDs are distributions from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) owned by an individual who is age 70½ or older, that are paid directly from the IRA to a qualified charity. This is a way to reduce the tax impact of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) as your taxable income is reduced by the amount of the gift. Please contact your Financial Advisor to make a QCD donation or learn more here.
Employee match programs are a benefit that companies offer to encourage and reward giving among their staff. Think of this as free money you are empowered to employ on behalf of your community and the world. Most companies will match an employee’s gift to a charity one-to-one, but others match gifts two-to-one, and some even match donations three-to-one! This means that your gift to a charity can be worth two to four times as much as you donate.
Not sure if your employer or a potential employer offers a charitable match? Utilize the search tool below or contact your HR department.​​​​