Dear Ellington Community,
We all tuned in for the news from Mayor Bowser during her Situational Update on Monday. We are awaiting guidance from DCPS Central Office on how the citywide reopening plans might impact our programming and we will share that information with students and families upon receipt.
Until further notice, we will adhere to our current configuration. Here’s what’s known at this moment:
· As of May 21, schools will be authorized to resume in-person learning at 100% capacity.
· As of June 11, entertainment venues will be authorized to resume operations at 100% capacity.
· In accordance with CDC guidelines, masks are still required while in public.
Here are our current plans, pending further instruction from DCPS Central Office:
In-Person Learning
· We will continue to operate at 50% capacity with the use of Art Departmental Cohorts. (We currently average about 60 on-site students daily.)
Class of 2021 Activities
· The Senior Prom will be held at Ellington on June 5.
· The Graduation Ceremony will be held at Ellington on June 19.
As we’ve all learned over the past year, the situation is fluid. We appreciate your patience during this time.
Stay safe and healthy!
Sandi M. Logan